Records Search Guidelines

All records in the Clerk's Office are filed and retrieved by case number. If the case number is unknown, the party index can be researched to identify the case number for a given party. The party index is available to the public Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at staffed offices in Charleston, Columbia, Florence and Greenville. If the Clerk's Office is requested to do such a search, a $32.00 fee payable in advance is required for each name searched. All search requests must be in writing with appropriate fee included.

In 1965, South Carolina was consolidated into one U.S. District Court.

Where to locate records:

  • Federal Records Center:
    All cases filed from prior to 1981 are housed at the Federal Records Center at East Point, Georgia.

  • Microfiche Party Name Search:
    Civil cases filed from 1981 through 1990.
    Criminal cases filed from 1981 through 1992.
  • PACER:
    Civil cases filed from November 1990 to present date.
    Criminal cases filed from September 1992 to present date.
  • Indices from Charleston and Greenville prior to the 1965 consolidation were sent to the Federal Records Center at East Point, Georgia as well as all indices from 1965 to 1980.
  • Indices from April 1980 are on microfiche and/or PACER in Columbia and divisional offices.