Explanation of Case Numbers

Each case has a distinctive number in the following format:
  • A one digit indicator of the division to which the case is assigned.
    [For example: 3 (Columbia)]
Number Division Counties
0 Rock Hill Chester, Fairfield, Lancaster, and York
1 Aiken Aiken, Allendale, and Barnwell
2 Charleston Berkeley, Charleston, Clarendon, Colleton, Dorchester, and Georgetown
3 Columbia Kershaw, Lee, Lexington, Richland, and Sumter
4 Florence Chesterfield, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Horry, Marion, Marlboro, and Williamsburg
5 Orangeburg Bamberg, Calhoun, and Orangeburg
6 Greenville Greenville and Laurens
7 Spartanburg Cherokee, Spartanburg, and Union
8 Anderson/
Abbeville, Anderson, Edgefield, Greenwood, McCormick, Newberry, Oconee, Pickens, and Saluda
9 Beaufort Beaufort, Hampton, Jasper
  • A colon and a two digit indicator of the year the case was filed.
    [For example: 3:00 (Columbia, 2000)]
  • The notation CV (Civil), CR (Criminal), or MC (Miscellaneous).
    [For example: 3:00CV (Columbia, 2000, Civil)]
  • An individualized four digit case number which begins anew at the beginning of each year.
    [For example: 3:00CV0001 (Columbia, 2000, Civil, first case of the year).]
  • Criminal Only: A hyphen followed by number 01, 02, etc.,indicating the defendant number.
    [For example: 3:00CR0001-01 (Columbia, 2000, Criminal, first case of the year, defendant 1).
  • Civil Only: A hyphen and initial signifies the district judge's assignment.
    [For example: 3:00CV0001-JFA (Columbia, 2000, Civil case, first case of the year, Judge Joseph F. Anderson, Jr.).]
R. Bryan Harwell RBH Bruce H. Hendricks BHH Cameron McGowan Currie CMC
David C. Norton DCN Donald C. Coggins, Jr. DCC Margaret B. Seymour MBS
Richard M. Gergel RMG Sherri A. Lydon SAL Terry L. Wooten TLW
J. Michelle Childs JMC Joseph Dawson, III JD
Timothy M. Cain TMC Joseph F. Anderson, Jr. JFA
Mary Geiger Lewis MGL Henry M. Herlong, Jr. HMH
  • The initials following a district judge's initials signifies assignment of all or part of a case to a magistrate judge.
    [For example: 3:00CV0001-CWH-PJG (Columbia, 2000, Civil case, first case of the year, Judge C. Weston Houck, Magistrate Judge Paige J. Gossett).]
Thomas E. Rogers TER Kaymani D. West KDW
Paige J. Gossett PJG Mary Gordon Baker MGB
Shiva V. Hodges SVH Molly H. Cherry MHC
Kevin F. McDonald KFM Robert L. Buchanan, Jr. RLB
Jacquelyn D. Austin JDA